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Welcome to the
Escode brand centre



Our logo is our brand’s most important element. It is a unique and bold signifier of the Escode brand. The shield shape in the logo supports our reassuringly secure product offering, the solid forms of the lettering are reflective of our unending trustworthiness, and the ‘North Star’ represents our boldness in the exploration of new technologies and solutions. If you have permission to use our logo, please use these files and follow these guidelines.
Escode Logo Guidelines



Escode Logo Backgrounds

There are different versions of the logo to use depending on your background.


To accompany our logo, we also utilize a brand icon. Our icon is made from the shield shape and the capital 'E' from our logo. Our icon is designed to be used small, but please avoid using it any smaller than 20px in height.
Escode Logomark Guidelines



Escode NCC Group Logo Guidelines



In some cases, it may be appropriate to use the Escode logo and your own in tandem. Use the paired lockup when cross-promoting or co-presenting brands.
Escode Partnership Logo

In-Partnership Logo Mockup

Escode Partnership Logo Guidelines




Escode Logo Usage

Please do not use these logos or lockups.
Escode Logo Usage Guidelines



Primary Colour Palette

Our main set of colours are a handful of neutral warm grays, a dark beautiful Tourmaline Black and our vibrant hero colours Harlequin Green and Neon Blue. Tourmaline black and white are our default text colours; follow how we’ve paired them with the colours below.
Escode Primary Colour Palette


Secondary Colour Palette

Our secondary colours are used on our website, in presentations and in illustration. They can help differentiate between demographics, highlight key information and add another level of energy to the Escode brand. These colours should be used sparingly, never as main floods of backgrounds or typography. They are meant to help empower our primary set of colours.

Escode Secondary Colour Palette



Colour Palette Usage

Explore how colour comes to life. Here are some examples of how the Escode primary and secondary colours can be applied to infographics and data.
Escode Colour Palette Guidelines



Escode Company Bio

About Escode

Escode, a division of NCC Group, is committed to ensuring operational resilience and peace of mind for both vendors and licensees. Whether vendors are safeguarding code or investors are licensing software, Escode’s comprehensive services provide the necessary protection to safeguard investment in digital assets.

As the foremost provider of escrow services globally, Escode specializes in software and technology escrow, boasting unparalleled expertise in protecting invaluable digital assets. With over 40 years of industry experience, Escode has earned a reputation synonymous with trust and reliability.

Escode’s Escrow Verification Services serve as a crucial quality control mechanism, confirming the completeness and usability of deposited code as stipulated in the escrow agreement. This verification process provides investors with the confidence that their investments are backed by high-quality, usable code, thereby minimizing the risk of financial loss due to software dependencies.

With over 40 years of experience, NCC Group, including Escode, has served 14,000+ licensees across 135 countries, ensuring a wealth of expertise.

Legal and Technical Support:
Our in-house experts offer comprehensive legal and technical support, ensuring peace of mind.

SaaS Escrow:
Escode goes beyond traditional escrow, protecting cloud-based software through specialized SaaS Escrow services.

Flexible Agreements:
Tailoring escrow agreements to specific client needs showcases our commitment to flexibility.

Automated Depositing:
Convenience is key. Escode allows for the automation of escrow deposits, streamlining the process.

Source Code Verifications:
Ensuring the integrity and completeness of your software assets with meticulous scrutiny and thorough validation.

24/7 Security Monitoring:
Your software assets are safeguarded around the clock, emphasizing Escode’s commitment to security.


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