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02 September 2021

The University of Edinburgh mitigate Cloud Computing risk with SaaS Escrow


The University of Edinburgh & NCC Group Cloud solution Case Study

With an established reputation ranking first in the UK for ‘Veterinary Science’ for the past three years, the School decided to procure a cloud-based bespoke management system enabling them to continually develop as a world-leading veterinary center of excellence.

Hosted on the AWS platform, the application helps run the School’s clinical services system. With features consisting of patient records, imaging and laboratory device connectivity and resource management, disruption to its business critical application would be catastrophic if lost.

Although its cloud hosted software provides the School a faster implementation of services, the application can be accessed anywhere and anytime over the internet, exposing the veterinary school more broadly to potential exploitation from today’s cyber attackers. Moreover, with the application hosted in a multi-tenanted environment the attack surface increases, leading to an increased chance of data leakage if the separation
controls fail.

Requiring a simple cloud resilience solution that would ensure access to its business critical system should its bespoke cloud integrator go out of business or fail to meet its contractual obligations, NCC Group’s in house technical team advised an EaaS Replicate agreement.

EaaS Replicate is the ultimate answer to cloud software resilience, ideal for software applications that are shared or used by a number of customers.

With NCC Group’s Escrow as a Service Replicate enhancing its operational resilience, the School can confidently innovate with the latest cloud-based technologies, and enjoy the new and exciting benefits it brings.

Should a release event occur, NCC Group will release all associated materials and documentation credentials including access keys, log-in details, usernames, encryption details and passwords enabling The University of Edinburgh the right to use, restore or recreate their application/data service.

Sue Murphy, Director of Clinical Services and Director of the Hospital for Small Animals, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies commented: “NCC Group’s Escrow as a Service solution has supported us in managing and mitigating the risks associated with Cloud-hosted software. Should the worst happen we have the confidence and the means to continue operating as normal with minimum disruption”.

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